Sunday, October 23, 2011

Special Scarlett

If a person knows me, they probably have heard of my horse, Special Scarlett, known at the barn as "Scarlett".  Scarlett is a sorrel (light brown) colored, 15 hand (5 feet tall), Quarter Horse reining mare (female).  We have been a pair since last summer when my coach made me ride her.

When she first came to the barn, Scarlett was crazy.  She would buck whenever any one rode her, and everyone was afraid of her.  No one wanted to get on her.  Even two horse women together could not lunge her without almost being kicked. My mom was told that she should not let me ride that animal.  I begged and begged my mom until she gave in.  I just knew Scarlett would never hurt me.  She would gallop off with other people and even bite them, but not me.  Since I was basically the only one that could or wanted to ride her, I started training her. 

She has changed so much since the first time we met.  She is very sensitive to my cues now, when before she would kick out or be very stubborn every time I got on her.  She also used to run away from me when I came to get her, but now she will come up to me when I call, and she will follow me around like a puppy.  She knows me and she knows I adore her.

If this horse is so obedient, so sweet, then why do people call her a "trash can mare?"  True, she is not a perfect species of a quarter horse.   Yes, she has a strange lope; yes, she is not a stereotypical reining horse; yes, she gets hyper too easily; but to me she is the most beautiful, most perfect horse out there.  And, it's my belief that matters. 

Because I love her too much, I know many things about her.  My "baby" hates all men, Rio the horse, loud noises, lunging, going slow, lead changes and being bridled. She loves peppermints, grain mixed with water, energy bars, Jelly Beans, reining, going fast, being groomed, and hay.

I have only ridden her in a show a few times, and we have done pretty well. I am really excited to see how we will do in these upcoming months.  I have a show next weekend, so I hope we do well in our classes!

I love this insane, sweet horse named Scarlett.


Anonymous said...

Awwww!!! Your horse is so cute!
Love your Spanish Buddy!

Anonymous said...

Awww!!! Tour horseis so cute!!! Love your Spanish Buddy!!!