Monday, February 6, 2012

The Help

"The Help" is my favorite movie I have seen; ever.  I saw it recently with my mom when she forced me to watch it with her.  I did not think it would be good, but I ended up loving it!

I never really knew how the white women treated the "help" back in the 1960's.  Seeing the fact that they had to use a separate bathroom because the white women thought they carried diseases was hard for me to take in.  I had always known that the black women were treated like property when they were slaves, but seeing the women ordered around with no "please" or "thank you" made me realize how hard their lives were.  One women even got beaten by her husband, and it showed how independent and strong these women had to be to continue their hard lives.  The girls would have to be maids because they did not have enough money to support their generally large family around the age of 13.  Imagine if it was that way in our society?  We would have 13 year old girls working for lower than minimum wage to take care of our children, and carry out our duties.  It makes me think about if I was a maid; I would have already been one for a year by now.  I would have already finished school, and would be just getting used to living my life that way.

Those black maids probably loved the white children even more than their true mothers.  The white children went to the black maids when they were upset, instead of their biological mothers.  The children treated the help like their mothers, because they were the ones that raised them.  Seeing the sadness on their faces made me think about how much children love their biological mothers now, unlike back when "help" was used.  

"The Help" is a truly remarkable film, and I highly recommend it to everyone.  It has really changed my perspective.

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