Sunday, November 27, 2011

Family Interview

This Thanksgiving weekend I decided it would be interesting to interview all four of my grandparents about their education.  I wanted to see what school was like in the 40's and 50's.  I asked about their high school and college experiences. 

Me: What high school did you go to? Was it large or small?
(Father's Mother) Claire Stuart: Westminster, in Atlanta, GA, it was a private school.  (Interestingly, it is the same school my aunt Glenn Hilliard attended, on the other side of the family.)
(Father's Father) Gene Stuart: I went to Plant High School in Tampa, Florida.  It was a medium sized public school.
(Mother's Mother) Heather Hilliard: I went to TL Hannah, in Anderson, SC; it was a small public school.
(Mother's Father) Glenn Hilliard: Belton High School, a very small public school, near Anderson, SC.

Me: What was your favorite subject?
CS: I loved French, and in fact received the state French award.
GS: Math.
HH: I liked history the most.
GH: English was my favorite subject.

Me: What sports did you do?
CS: Girls weren't allowed to do sports. (laughs)
GS:  I played football, offensive right guard.
HH: The only girls sport was basketball, so that is what I played.
GH: I played basketball for my school.

Me: What arts did you do?
CS: Well, I was president of the drama club.
GS: I didn't do any arts.
HH: I didn't do any arts.
GH: I played the trumpet in the high school band.

Me: What was your first car? 
CS: I had a Lincoln convertible.  It was a really nice car then!!
GS: My first car was a 1946 Hudson that I bought for $50, and sold for $35.
HH: I had a yellow car, I don't remember the name.
GH: I bought a Nash Rambler for $300.

Me: What college did you attend?
CS: I went to Sweet Briar for two years, then went to UNC.
GS: I went to Duke.
HH: I went to Clemson.
GH: I attended Clemson.

Me: What did you do after you graduated from college?
CS: I worked in Grady Hospital in the psychiatric ward.
GS: I became a naval officer.
HH: I was a flight attendant for Delta airlines.
GH: I went to law school at George Washington University.

Me: If you could go back and redo high school, would you?
CS: No, too much drama.
GS: Yes, I would have more fun.
HH: Yes, I would read more and have more fun.
GH: No, I would not.

I am so fortunate to have all four of my grandparents still alive!  They are such great people, and all are still happily married.  Having a good family is one thing I am definitely thankful for. I am pleased to say that I have a great family that is always looking out for me.  It was fun to be able to hear about their high school and college experiences, and to get to know them better.

1 comment:

Caryn Kirk said...

What a wonderful topic, Sara! I'm sure your grandparents enjoyed the interview. Be sure to show them your blog page. You did a great job on this assignment. :)