Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Forrest Gump

I recently had the pleasure of watching the movie Forrest Gump for the first time. It was an amazing movie, and is now one of my favorites.  It has such a unique plot, and it is so different than any other movie I have ever seen.  One way it is different is that it is a full story of the protagonist's whole life, unlike many other movies where it just shows a snapshot in time.  I loved the longevity of the plot unfolding as the movie develops.

Forrest Gump also showed some particularly difficult experiences, such as the war in Vietnam, that relayed how harsh reality can be, and how many people suffered and died in that war.  Another particularly difficult experience was that Forrest was not like the other children, and he was discriminated against because of his disability.  The movie showed how challenging life can be if one is different.  Forest is able to take these experiences, that could be horrible, and make the best of them.  He show's how to live life to the fullest no matter what a person has to overcome.

Forrest Gump is about making the best of one's life.  But, it is also a story of love.  Jenny loves Forrest despite his disabilities, and she helps him to gain trust and respect.  The relationship between Jenny and Forrest is interesting, for it feels as if their stories are meant to come together.  Jenny is a hippie protesting the Vietnam war, while Forrest is fighting for it.  Yet, they are able to love one another despite their differences.  Forrest also teaches about forgiveness in love.  Jenny leaves Forrest to go with the hippies, and Forrest is left behind at home.  However, they find each other again, and he still loves her.

Forrest Gump is an amazing epic film about love and life.  Forrest has many struggles throughout his life, and this movie teaches the audience to be happy for what we have.

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