Monday, April 9, 2012

The (almost) Perfect Day

I sometimes have random inspirational times where I just get a pen and paper and write my ideas down.  I think this habit developed over time because I always daydream and get sidetracked thinking about other things.  About half of the time, those inspirations make absolutely no sense and I have no idea where they came from.  For example, I wrote this one when I was just sitting on my bed listening to One Direction:

"Not many people believe in the perfect day. Why? Because the perfect day is what only happens in fairy tales. You know, that stereotypical over told story where the prince and princess fall in love and ride off into the sunset? Life is no storybook, no Taylor Swift song, no dream. I am not some magical fairy that can make the perfect day happen with the flick of a wand. The only thing I can hope for is one day more to try and have that perfect day. But really? What's the point in trying? No handsome prince will ride on his white horse, sweep me off my feet, and seal the the day with a kiss. I know some people think they have lived that perfect day, no offense to them, but it will just never happen. Maybe, just maybe, the day exists that is almost perfect. I hope and pray that in someway, with someone, somehow, I will live the day that is almost perfect. Almost complete. Almost a fairy tale."

This passage is basically saying that the perfect day can really never happen.  I know it is a sad topic, but it is a harsh reality.  I have thought that I had the perfect day, but it wasn't exactly perfect.  There was always some complication, some pain, some sadness.  I really do wish that life was a fairy tale, but it really will not work out that way.  From seeing this reality, you might ask yourself, "What's the point of living?" As I said in my random piece, the point of living to me is to try to have that day that is almost perfect. Not completley flawless, but as close to perfect as allowed.  I really think I might have that day soon.  Who knows? It may be years until that almost perfect day, but I can bet on the fact that it exists.  

I know that must have seemed very preachy, talking about the meaning of life, but aren't blogs about finding about other people's opinions and lives? This is a major part of me, and I think for someone to understand me, they have to have my insights on certain topics.  By the time I die, my goal is to look back and remember a day where everything was almost perfect.  

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