Saturday, April 7, 2012

Duke Summer 2011

On the first day of Duke Young Writer's camp, I was actually quite nervous.  Even though it was my second summer on that campus, I really didn't know what to expect.  Were my friends from last year going to be here?  Were we going to have as much fun as we did last year?  I shyly walked into the registration area in the familiar commons room.  Looking around, I did not know anyone.  My anticipation was rising, and I was terrified that I would have to make new friends and fit in with another group.  I handed in my paperwork and received my room key, meal card, and schedule of classes.  The classes were all ones I had not taken before, nor did I know the teachers.  Nothing seemed the same.  Then, as I begrudgenly went to go back and get my bags from the car, I saw a familiar flash of white blond hair.  The girl turned around quickly, like a whiplash, and saw me. "Sara!!" she said as she almost suffocated me in a hug.  The three girls she was with turned around too, and I saw two more familiar faces, only one unknown.  Joselin let me go, and Sara and Emma rushed in to greet me.  Emma's familiar Victoria's Secret perfume calmed my nerves as I remembered my old friends at camp.  The girl with the curly brown hair and large brown eyes introduced herself as Jessica.  Emma dragged me out of the room and introduced me to her roommate, a pretty redhead, Ashley, and her friend from down the hall, a tiny blond haired girl, Abbie.  I was actually quite wary of letting three other girls into our close knit group, but as time went on, we all were inseparable. The seven of us were always together, from eating lunch, to writing each other notes and sitting with each other in assembly.  A few guys flocked into our now large group, Matt, Tad, Morgan, and Cody. I really wouldn't say we were a clique, since we were not mean, but yes we were very close.  Having that many friends by my side always ensured that I could always have someone to count on from Jessica "dropping it like its hot"in front of the dining hall for our amusement, or getting high off of sugar on the last day of camp, then having a huge sleepover.  These two weeks turned out to be the most fun I have had in a long time.  This year, I hope to not be nervous, and know my new and old friends will meet me there.  

left to right: Ashley, Sara, Emma, Joselin, Me, Jessica, Abbie

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