Friday, February 24, 2012


Tuesday night, the Beastminster team and I had our last game.  The team consists of Annie Williams, Claire Harvin, Margaret Banes Borden, Caroline Schraibman, Abigail Reddic, Bailey DeLoche, Marjorie Anne Foster, and potentially Clara Castles. We had an amazing season, from our traditional team breakfast/lunch/ice cream after each game, to messing around in practice (which probably ticked Mr. Borden off).  Yes, we were not the most serious team, but we are definitely very competitive.  However, we only played the minimum number of games because of our crowded schedules, but in each one we tried our hardest to win.
When I decided to do the team, I was unsure because these girls and I didn't really know each other well.  But after the season, I feel like these are some of my good friends.  Doing the team has expanded my friend relations greatly.  It's really crazy how one day a week with these girls have sparked new friendships among us.  I really look forward to doing Beastminster with them next year!

So basically thank y'all for dealing with my terrible basketball skills, giving me advice, and being a great group of friends to have this season. I hope we can do the same thing again next year!

1 comment:

Abigail Reddic said...

Beastminister was awesome! We loved having you!